Results for 'Laura Simoni Varanini'

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  1. Bruno Nardi a Pescia: il carteggio con Giuseppe Prezzolini.Laura Simoni Varanini - 2005 - Tavarnuzze - Impruneta (Firenze): Edizioni del Galluzzo per la Fondazione Ezio Franceschini. Edited by Bruno Nardi & Giuseppe Prezzolini.
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    Per ricordare Bruno Nardi.Laura Simoni Varanini (ed.) - 2010 - Firenze: Edizioni del Galluzzo per la Fondazione Ezio Franceschini.
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    Patient and Citizen Participation in Health: The Need for Improved Ethical Support.Laura Williamson - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (6):4-16.
    Patient and citizen participation is now regarded as central to the promotion of sustainable health and health care. Involvement efforts create and encounter many diverse ethical challenges that have the potential to enhance or undermine their success. This article examines different expressions of patient and citizen participation and the support health ethics offers. It is contended that despite its prominence and the link between patient empowerment and autonomy, traditional bioethics is insufficient to guide participation efforts. In addition, the turn to (...)
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  4. Modalidad y atenuación. Análisis de un poco y de sus alteraciones morfológicas en las conversaciones coloquiales.Laura Mariottini - 2012 - Oralia 15:177 - 204.
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  5. The origins of inquiry: inductive inference and exploration in early childhood.Laura Schulz - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (7):382-389.
  6. (1 other version)The changing role of governments in corporate social responsibility: Drivers and responses.Laura Albareda, Josep M. Lozano, Antonio Tencati, Atle Midttun & Francesco Perrini - 2008 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 17 (4):347-363.
    The aim of this article is to contribute to understanding the changing role of government in promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR). Over the last decade, governments have joined other stakeholders in assuming a relevant role as drivers of CSR, working together with intergovernmental organizations and recognizing that public policies are key in encouraging a greater sense of CSR. This paper focuses on the analysis of the new strategies adopted by governments in order to promote, and encourage businesses to adopt, CSR (...)
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  7. Conceptos de sustancias y conceptos de propiedades en animales no humanos.Laura Danón - 2013 - Critica 45 (133):27-54.
    El presente trabajo tiene dos objetivos centrales. Primero caracterizaré una variante de pragmatismo conceptual según la cual algunos conceptos deben entenderse como habilidades para identificar sustancias e identificar propiedades del entorno, y mostraré que quien cuenta con esas dos habilidades satisface, en grados diversos en cada caso, distintos requisitos centrales para la posesión de conceptos. Posteriormente defenderé la viabilidad de extender este enfoque a los animales no humanos, apelando a evidencia empírica que indica que distintas especies son capaces de identificar (...)
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    No hay mundo común: Jacques Derrida y la idea de comunidad.Laura Llevadot - 2013 - Isegoría 49:549-566.
    Ante las acusaciones de despolitización que ha recibido el pensamiento del último Derrida, este artículo se propone mostrar cómo la crítica a la idea de comunidad articula en Derrida una política heterológica que desdibuja los límites tradicionales entre lo ético y lo político. Para demostrarlo se procedará, en primer lugar, a analizar la crítica a lo comunitario y a la “fraternidad” que se desarrolla principalmente en Políticas de la amistad, en segundo lugar se analizará la crítica derridiana a la idea (...)
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    Socrate l’ autourgos tês philosophias : Remarques sur le Banquet I, 5 de Xénophon.Vitor De Simoni Milione - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 2:213-243.
    L’objectif de cet article est d’évaluer le sens et la portée de la locution autourgous tês philosophias, qui apparaît dans le Banquet I, 5. J’espère montrer que cette locution en dit plus qu’elle n’en a l’air prima facie. Je soutiendrai que l’ensemble du passage dépasse la simple opposition entre la ( philo ) sophia gratuite de Socrate et la sophia non gratuite des sophistes, d’une part, et la richesse de Callias et la pauvreté des socratiques, d’autre part. Mon point de (...)
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    Self-awareness after acquired and traumatic brain injury.Laura J. Bach & Anthony S. David - 2006 - Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 16 (4):397-414.
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    Disgust and fear in response to spiders.Laura L. Vernon & Howard Berenbaum - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (6):809-830.
    We examined disgust and fear responses to spiders in spider-distressed and nondistressed individuals. Undergraduate participants (N = 134) completed questionnaires concerning responses to spiders and other potentially aversive stimuli, as well as measures of disgust sensitivity, anxious arousal, worry, and anhedonic depression. In addition, we obtained self-report and facial expressions of disgust and fear while participants were exposed to a live tarantula. Both spider distressed and nondistressed individuals reported disgust and exhibited disgust facial expressions in response to a tarantula. Disgust (...)
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    [Book review] children of choice, freedom and the new reproductive technologies. [REVIEW]Laura M. Purdy - 1996 - Criminal Justice Ethics 15 (1):67-74.
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    Probability and surprisal in auditory comprehension of morphologically complex words.Laura Winther Balling & R. Harald Baayen - 2012 - Cognition 125 (1):80-106.
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    “If only…”: When counterfactual thoughts can reduce illusions of personal authorship.Laura Dannenberg, Jens Förster & Nils B. Jostmann - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):456-463.
    Illusions of personal authorship can arise when causation for an event is ambiguous, but people mentally represent an anticipated outcome and then observe a corresponding match in reality. When people do not maintain such high-level outcome representations and focus instead on low-level behavioral representations of concrete actions, illusions of personal authorship can be reduced. One condition that yields specific action plans and thereby moves focus from high-level outcomes to low-level actions is the generation of counterfactual thoughts. Hence, in the present (...)
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  15. Placer visual y cine narrativo. Valencia, Vol. 1.Laura Mulvey - unknown
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    Public Reason, Communication and Intellectual Property.Laura R. Biron - unknown
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    Dialectique ramiste et conscience puritaine : le cas de William Ames (1576-1633).Laura Adrián Lara - 2020 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 103 (2):349-378.
    William Ames (1576-1633) a incarné une autorité fondamentale pour les puritains qui ont émigré en Nouvelle-Angleterre. Dans son œuvre, il a la singularité d’allier ses convictions religieuses à une mentalité ramiste. Ames considère la méthode de Ramus comme une manière adéquate de comprendre l’acquisition et la transmission des savoirs. Le système ramiste s’applique aussi au domaine de la théologie et à certaines questions liées au gouvernement de l’individu. Cet article vise à mettre en lumière cette combinaison entre le puritanisme et (...)
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  18. Plato's joints.Laura Franklin-Hall - unknown
    Plato’s often-quoted statement in the Phaedrus that we should “cut up each kind according to its species along its natural joints” (265e) has become an influential metaphor in discussions of natural kinds and natural properties. In this essay, I investigate the source domain of the metaphor, the joints of the animal body, to determine if these joints are indeed “natural”—meaning that there exists a single, non-disjunctive account of joint-hood applicable to the osteological world. By examining animal joints from the perspective (...)
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    Beyond the Two-Sciences Settlement: Giambattista Vico's Critique of the Nature–Politics Opposition.Laura Ephraim - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (5):0090591713492777.
    The Perestroika movement recently reopened longstanding debates about the scholarly and political implications of orienting political science research around a scientific ideal derived from the natural sciences. Many Perestroikans, like earlier critics of “naturalized” political science, turned to ontology, opposing the political world to the natural world to espouse what I call a two-sciences settlement: a separate-but-equal arrangement in which political science and natural science would each operate according to distinct methodological imperatives dictated by their distinctive objects. In this article, (...)
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    Editorial: Effects of Physical Exercise on Brain and Cognitive Functioning.Soledad Ballesteros, Laura Piccardi & Joshua Oon Soo Goh - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
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    The New Edith Wharton Studies : Volume 1.Jennifer Haytock & Laura Rattray (eds.) - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    The New Edith Wharton Studies uncovers new evidence and presents new ideas that invite us to reconsider our understanding of one of America's most highly acclaimed, versatile, and prolific writers. The volume addresses themes that have previously been missed or underdeveloped, and examines areas where previous scholarship does not take account of key, contemporary issues: Wharton and ecocriticism, Wharton and queer studies, Wharton and animal studies, Wharton and whiteness, and Wharton and contemporary psychology. Essays explore Wharton's treatment of the poor (...)
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  22. Medios y consecuencias necesarias: observaciones acerca de la responsabilidad penal y la doctrina del doble efecto.María Laura Manrique Pérez - 2012 - Critica 44 (131):3-26.
    Este trabajo insiste en la utilidad de la distinción entre medios y consecuencias en la atribución de responsabilidad penal. La estrategia argumental se basa en algunas de las principales intuiciones de la doctrina del doble efecto. En particular, se analiza el modo en que esta doctrina moral traza la diferencia entre daño instrumental y daño incidental. Dado que en la filosofía moral contemporánea se ha criticado severamente esa distinción, se elabora una respuesta a esas críticas. Finalmente, se subraya no sólo (...)
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    Food-pellet size directs hoarding in rats.Ian Q. Whishaw, Laura Nicholson & Scott D. Oddie - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (1):57-59.
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  24. Jackson's classical model of meaning.Laura Schroeter & Bigelow & John - 2009 - In Ian Ravenscroft, Minds, Ethics, and Conditionals: Themes from the Philosophy of Frank Jackson. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 85.
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  25. Excerpt.Laura Ashe - 1997 - The Chesterton Review 23 (4):540-547.
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    Los y las subalternas pueden hablar.Laura Rodriguez Agüero - 2022 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 7 (1):1-13.
    En el presente trabajo nos proponemos reflexionar acerca de las posibilidades, límites y desafíos que se presentan en la práctica docente cuando jóvenes de sectores subalternos emprenden la tarea de escribir sus propias historias. Estas reflexiones surgen a partir de una experiencia pedagógica desarrollada en el marco del Programa Pueblos Originarios y Escuelas Rurales de la UNCuyo. Consideramos que la fragmentación y la discontinuidad es un rasgo de la memoria colectiva de los sectores subalternos, sin embargo, en ocasiones encuentra espacios (...)
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    Anticipating Cryptocurrency Prices Using Machine Learning.Laura Alessandretti, Abeer ElBahrawy, Luca Maria Aiello & Andrea Baronchelli - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
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    An Altruistic Living Donor’s Story.Laura Altobelli - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (1):7-10.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narrative Symposium:Living Organ DonationLaura Altobelli, Sherri Bauman, Janice Flynn, Andy Heath, Joseph Jacobs, Tim Joos, Amy K. Lewensten, Donna L. Luebke, Sarah A. McDaniel, Donald Olenick, Laurie E Post, Vicky Young, Blake Adams, Anonymous One, Michael Sauls, Christine Wright, Shannon D. Wyatt, and Cara Yesawich• An Altruistic Living Donor’s Story• Surgery for the Soul• Kidney Donation Story• The Essence of Giving—A Transplant Story• Love—the Risk Worth Taking• My Donation (...)
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    La convention sur la diversité des expressions culturelles : état des lieux.Laura Anghel - 2008 - Hermes 51:65.
    Le droit culturel international a été renforcé grâce à l'adoption par l'Unesco de la Convention sur la protection et la promotion de la diversité des expressions culturelles. Ce texte relie la culture à la coopération internationale, au développement et aux droits de l'homme. Sa mise en oeuvre devient un véritable défi, et son suivi se révèle une nécessité. La diversité culturelle, déjà objet d'étude de l'anthropologie, doit à présent devenir un concept politique et être mis en pratique. La culture doit (...)
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    Per Una storia Della ‘lepiditas’: Il Caso periplectomeno Nel Miles gloriosus E le Sue risonanze da terenzio a apuleio.Laura Aresi - 2020 - Argos 2 (39):61-90.
    L’articolo si propone di investigare l’uso dell’aggettivo lepidus nel Miles gloriosus, a partire dalla figura del senex lepidus Periplectomeno e della sua aristia in 3.1. L’indagine farà emergere due accezioni del termine: da una parte, lepidus è laparola chiave per indicare il meccanismo del comico su cui si regge la commedia; dall’altra, esso definisce uno stile di vita –e, implicitamente, un modello educativo– fondato sulla ‘lepiditas’. A partire da Plauto, tale modello verrà ripreso attivamente in età repubblicana, per poi venire (...)
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    El testimonio en la era de las catástrofes: el horror como experiencia traumática.Laura Arias - 2010 - In María G. Navarro, Betty Estévez & Antolín Sánchez Cuervo, Claves actuales de pensamiento. Madrid: CSIC/Plaza y Valdés. pp. 45--62.
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    Lo studio degli effetti della mobilità sociale. Un'applicazione dei modelli diagonali alle scelte di fertilità in Italia.Laura Arosio - 2003 - Polis 17 (3):485-502.
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    La disoccupazione in Italia.Laura Azzolina - 1998 - Polis 12 (3):503-520.
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    L. Gallino, "Se tre milioni vi sembran pochi".Laura Azzolina - 1999 - Polis 13 (1):150-152.
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    About the question of "criticism" in the work of Arturo Andres Roig.Laura Aldana Contardi - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 14 (1):31-39.
    Centramos la atención en la noción de crítica del pensamiento de Arturo Andrés Roig. El problema se aborda partiendo del vínculo que se establece entre la crítica y la noción de vigilancia epistemológica de Gastón Bachelard. Consideramos a continuación la crítica como ejercicio de la sospecha. Finalmente, se analiza el aspecto social de la crítica, esto permite relacionar la producción teórica de Roig con la teoría crítica, especialmente con el pensamiento de Max Horkheimer. En este sentido, enfatizamos la indagación sobre (...)
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  36. Navigating teaching evaluations : interpret to improve pedagogy or ignore to improve wellness?Meredith Rausch & Laura Gallo - 2021 - In Noran L. Moffett, Navigating post-doctoral career placement, research, and professionalism. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
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    G. Antonelli e L. Paganetto (a cura di), "Disoccupazione e basso livello di attività in Italia".Laura Azzolina - 2000 - Polis 14 (2):325-327.
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  38. The challenge of tradition and criticism of pure reason in Italy.Laura Balbiani - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 99 (2):233-260.
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    Creencias animales: una propuesta disposicionalista.Laura Danón - 2010 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):39-53.
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    Liliana Fenoy . Gabriela Simón, Gabriela Gásquez, Marina Loza y otras autoras. El Espacio Textual.Laura Fobbio - 2009 - Aisthesis 45.
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  41. Visiones teóricas acerca de la ciudadanía social.Laura Garcés, Marcelo Lucero, Fernanda Estévez, Moira Icazzati, Carina Sabeti & C. de Los Río - 2006 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 10 (18):1-11.
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    Ironía y Método en la Filosofía de Wittgenstein.Laura Hernández - 2001 - Signos Filosóficos 6:153-165.
    Imnically many academics works has been written about an anti-academic philosophy as Mttgenstein S one. The intention of those works has been pmved what looks like a system, but is hidden in the extravagant Wittgenstein k way of write. The aim of this work is expounfl that this stile is a f..
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    Reseña de "Amor y filosofía en el Cambridge de principios del siglo XX" de Ludwig Wittgenstein y David Pinsent.Laura Hernández - 2001 - Signos Filosóficos 6:317-321.
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    Adultery.Laura Kipnis - 1998 - Critical Inquiry 24 (2):289-327.
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    Public Good Provision and Fairness Issues for Climate Change Mitigation.Laura Lamb & Panagiotis Peter Tsigaris - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 8 (1):139-155.
    This article presents a new classroom experiment in order to illustrate and initiate discussion on the public good provision of prevention of dangerous anthropogenic climate change. The classroom game aids students’ understanding of the difficulty associated with funding public goods; the role of fairness in climate change negotiations; the risks associated with catastrophic climate change impact; and the free riding concept. The classroom game has been played in various business, economics and political science courses. Feedback received from students indicates a (...)
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    Petrus Ramus y el ocaso de la retórica cívica.Laura Adrián Lara - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (43):11-31.
    Petrus Ramus (Pierre de la Ramée, 1515-1572) fue profesor Real de Elocuencia y Filosofía en el Collège Royal (París). Movido por su vocación pedagógica redefinió el ámbito de las artes liberales, despojando a la retórica de su contenido tradicional. Para Ramus la retórica consiste solo en la elocuti..
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    Entre recherche académique et expertise scientifique : des mondes de chercheurs.Laura Maxim & Gérard Arnold - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 64 (3):, [ p.].
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    To Ise at All Costs: Religious and Economic Implications of Early Modern Nukemairi.Laura Nenzi - 2006 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 33 (1):75-114.
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    Pour une autre pornographie.Laura Odello - 2013 - Rue Descartes 79 (3):1.
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    Is it morally permissible for me to have children? A decision to procreate is surely one of the most significant decisions a person can make. So it would seem that it ought not to be made without some moral soul-searching.Laura M. Purdy - forthcoming - Bioethics.
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